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About Us

For ten years, Web & Software have trained thousands of managers and working professionals in Microsoft Excel and other Microsoft software. Our courses are carefully researched and designed to help attendees get the most from their software with the least effort.

Most managers and working professionals spend several hours or minutes every month to perform data analysis and reports. Let our Microsoft Certified Consultants assist you in developing a custom report or dashboard to automate your routine reports.


What Our Client Says

The program is very good. I found much interest in the formulas n function search. I am certain they will be very useful in my work.

Reginald Quaynor-

The event was very successful and the trainers’ delivery was excellent. The manual is also good, and will be very helpful.

Jennifer Ansah-

Adding hyperlinks and cover pages to modules is what I found most interesting in this training. It will be very useful to my work. Overall, my expectations were met.

Joseph Ansah Banful-

I found the pivot tables, creating of databases and development of framework very interesting. Personally, the training has been very effective.

Samuel Selasie Kegey-

The trainings’ objections were achieved. Organisation and presentation was superb. The trainer made it a hands-on easy learning experience. He also had time for each and every one to catch-up.

Nana Aba Nti-

My expectations were met. I have acquired new skills including the use of macros for my reports, modelling, and search and use of functions. It will be definitely applicable in my work.

Raymond K. Wemegah-